The basic premise of Marvel Ultimate Alliance is to stop the evil mastermind Dr. Players can change who they want in their party throughout the game allowing them to use unlocked characters without needing to start a new game to use them. Each character brings unique abilities to a players party and experience points gained from combat can be used to upgrade the abilities of selected heroes. Bonuses are also granted if players create one of the superhero teams from the comics such as the Fantastic Four. Each character also has four alternative costumes to be unlocked which grant bonuses to their performance. A squad-based RPG where the goal is for players to create teams of four superheroes from the initial roster of characters and complete various missions which in turn can unlock more characters for players to use. Marvel Ultimate Alliance is the spiritual successor to Raven Software's X-Men Legends series that opens the story and character roster to the entire Marvel Universe instead of focusing just on the team of mutant superheroes, the X-Men. Overview Attacking a group with the Human Torch.