The main culprit here is the suspicion meter, which is another new feature for this game. This is why this game is so hard sometimes, and that is not bad somehow. Do you remember that Vaas Montenegro’s quote from Far Cry 3? The one about the definition of insanity? About doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results? He was speaking about this game, no doubt about it. With that being said, this game is totally a trial-and-error simulator.

is sometimes so stupid that it makes the game harder, for example I said before that you can disguise yourself, right? Well, imagine that you are playing and then you disguise yourself as a guard, you normally think the disguise will cover you 100%, well you are wrong I mean you are a bald guy with a barcode tattooed on the back of his head, if another guard sees you running and just running, they will shoot you and trigger the alarm. Hitman 2 added the option for a non-lethal takedown, which sometimes makes things harder than easier you can anesthetize a guard or an innocent person but they will wake up, and when they wake up, they will automatically know where you are. So, instead of doing something like this, you are told to get in and get out with almost no trace, killing only your main target, but this is not required in fact, you can kill one other person if you don’t raise alarms and take his clothes to disguise yourself, this is one of the essences of the Hitman games. SA changed this thanks to the addition of a new rating system taking down your enemies guns blazing is a viable option, but the game will give you a rating of “mass murderer”… You are an assassin not a mass murderer, there are differences.

Also, it is the first Hitman game that will penalize you for killing innocent people. Obviously, being super stealthy will make the mission harder. The game has this style where you can complete the mission the way you want, you can kill every enemy on the map and kill your target as you want, or stealth your way to your target, kill him and leave the scene. As I said before, this game is stealthier than the previous game, but also you can be as loud as you want. The most important change to Hitman 2 is in the title: “Silent Assassin”.